The Benefits of Chiropractic Care in the Workplace

Chiropractic Care in the Workplace

Whether you’re a construction worker or an office worker, there is a good chance that you’ve suffered from back or neck pain. According to a 2015 report from the Government of Alberta, the most common types of workplace injuries across all industries were those that affect the back. These injuries account for nearly one quarter of all time-lost claims throughout the province.

One way to reduce the instance of back injuries is through chiropractic care. Here are just some of the benefits to chiropractic care in your workplace:

  • Improved Injury Recovery: Even if you already have a back injury, you can still benefit from a visit to your local chiropractor. Studies indicate that chiropractic care can help speed up your body’s natural recovery. This allows you to return to work more quickly.
  • A More Productive Workforce: When you constantly to stretch and readjust parts of your office space, productivity can go down. By investing in chiropractic care, your discomfort levels can significantly fall.
  • Fewer WCB Claims: Another practical benefit of chiropractic treatment in the workplace is the overall reduction of WCB claims. By maintaining a healthy spine, injuries become less likely to escalate to the “severe” end of the spectrum.
  • Other Health Benefits: Chiropractic care has been linked to improved mental health, with a decrease in depression and anxiety, as well as decreased instances of migraines.

At Cadence Chiropractic, we provide gentle, functional care that adheres to our patient’s unique comfort levels. We take the time to ensure that you understand the adjustments, and can also provide alternatives to traditional treatment. The treatment you receive is entirely up to you. If you think you could benefit from chiropractic care, get in touch! We’re happy to talk through your questions.

Our Phone number is: 403.521.2278. You can also follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

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