Dr. Shawn Thistle Debunks Common Chiropractic Myths

Dr. Shawn Thistle Debunks Common Chiropractic Myths

“A lot of the things that we have to spend time dispelling in our practice are myths that patients come in with.”

Chiropractor, Dr. Shawn Thistle [B.Kin (Hons.), D.C., Medical Acupuncture, ART, CSCS, F.R], speaks about some of the most common chiropractic myths in our practice. Shawn also discusses his business, RRS Education, and how clinicians can stay up to date with current research.



Dr. Thistle is a practicing chiropractor, educator, international speaker, knowledge-transfer leader, entrepreneur & medicolegal consultant. He is the Founder & CEO of RRS Education, a continuing education company providing weekly Research Reviews, informative Seminars & convenient Online Courses for chiropractors, physiotherapists & osteopaths around the world. He has lectured as a part-time faculty member at the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College in the Orthopedics Department for 13 years. Shawn’s skillset as an educator and consultant is further strengthened by his experience in expert medicolegal reporting in chiropractic malpractice cases. He can be reached by email at: shawn@rrseducation.com.

At Cadence Chiropractic, we provide gentle, functional care that adheres to our patient’s unique comfort levels. We take the time to ensure that you understand the adjustments, and can also provide alternatives to traditional treatment. The treatment you receive is entirely up to you. If you think you could benefit from Chiropractic care, get in touch! We’re happy to talk through your questions. Our Phone number is: 403.521.2278. You can also follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

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